Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Dressed up for church

Josef after his hair cut. All ready to go to church. Clarinda in her new dress and purse she got for christmas.
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Maggie said...

THey both look so adorable! They are growing so much since last time I saw them! Love Clarinda's dress-beautiful!

Love ya girl!

Heidi said...

Good Evening:
Yes I remember Jonathan! Hi after all these years. We had so much fun together. Remember the Thousand Island cruise? And taking turns on the three wheeler? And not to forget idling the ford down, engaging the forage blower, and reving it up just to see the black smoke? It was always so much fun to go to your place. And how is your dad? Remember how he would always make me snicker at the table and my mom would be frowning? Tell him hi for me. I would really like to see the whole crew again! If you get a chance, my email address is: mechols55@sprintpcs.com or use Heidi's.

Norma Gwen Watson said...

You have 2 beautiful children and how blessed you are that they are healthy. Preston is having more surgery on Monday.